Today was another warm but rainy day on the Mediterranean. I spent it walking, resting and taking care of logistics. I stopped first by the train station thinking to get my ticket for tomorrow, but it was mid morning and the station was mobbed . Unlike larger train stations, this one does not have self-serve ticket kiosks and there here were at least 30 groups of people lined up at the single ticket window.
I decided to come back later and ended up taking a long walk up a hillside road I had never before explored. This took me by quieter B&Bs as well as private residences. Rounding a curve, I discovered a huge and attractive building that I thought must be a resort. However, it turned out to be (I think) a residence for old folks who are without families or other resources. It's beautiful, high up on a hill overlooking Monterosso's new town shoreline.
After returning to the lowlands, I stopped at a tabacchi and bought a new international phone card (I quickly used up the sim card purchased in Rome, and have since been using intentional calling cards which, it turns out, are a cheap way to call using a landline. They cost 5 Euro for 3-5 hours of talk time, depending on the card. Thus, I've been calling home and having leisurely talks with Rob nearly every day). Next, I gathered up my laundry and dropped it off at a tiny launderette run by a 30-something young man. After this, I spent some quality time with my book, eating lunch, slurping gelato (gelato's reputation is well earned!) and wading in the surf.
Later on, I returned to the train station and finding it uncrowded, bought my ticket for Milan tomorrow. I swung by the laundry service and picked up my clothes. The young man handed over a bundle, still warm from the dryer and wrapped in crisp brown paper. It looked and felt like a giant, fresh baked dinner roll.
Rain resumed this afternoon, and I have spent the time indoors reading, writing and listening to intermittent thunder church bells.
Note: I'm unsure of my internet situation in Milan - so I hope this won't be my last post before returning home!
Oh! The luxury of having someone do your laundry... nice!
ReplyDeleteWhat are you reading??
I hope it won't be your last either!!! I'm getting use to the daily posts. You write so well!