We’d escaped injury all this time until this weekend when the Hubs got taken out by an e-biker. The e-biker (red arrow) took a fast and wide turn from a side trail onto the busy main one and ended up in the wrong lane just as the Hubs approached (blue arrow). The Hubs yelled and swerved but the e-bike rider panicked and wham, the Hubs went flying ass over handlebars.
I’ll skip lots of crazy details, but I ended up driving frantically round the area trying to find the Hubs who I thought was walking 15 miles home (in bike shoes) with his damaged bike and body. I confess that during this search, I thought oh no, what about our vacation? but due credit to me, I didn’t think of this until an hour in. I was plenty freaked out wondering where he was and how badly he was hurt (one crazy detail: no phone).Things have turned out more or less OK. The Hubs has plenty of road rash, bruises, and stiff muscles but nothing broken or seriously sprained. The e-bike rider (not a young whippersnapper but a guy around our age) got patched up too, has admitted responsibility, and vows to make things right.
And our vacation is still a go!
I am so glad Hubs is okay! Sheesh! I'm just now figuring out how to follow you and will be commenting more!